Rethinking consistency – The powerful compounding tool for life.

Consistency is more important than perfection.

This quote does give me a sigh of relief. I was a perfectionist and I was hard on myself for not doing things right – i.e. for not doing it 100% every day. Because I equated consistency to perfection. It did help me achieve some of my goals, but I did not enjoy the process, the little moments that led to it.

This was until I slipped myself into depression and anxiety at the end of 2020 - the infamous pandemic year. Getting out of bed every morning and going to work (which I skipped many days), was itself a mountainous task let alone doing other tasks for the day.

Me, an entrepreneur doing what I love, running my own business – Wallistry, I should look forward to waking up every morning, right?

Unfortunately, no.

It took time, therapy and the realization of living in the moment that, showing up every day does not mean you need to do 100% each time.

An illustration I found on Instagram by Hannah Wilson (@quotedvisually) beautifully sums it up.

Image Source Hannah Wilson (@quotedvisually) Consistency
  1. Start small.

Little did I know in March 2021, when I started practising meditation for 20 minutes approximately every morning, would help me manage my thoughts, and emotions and get rid of my anxiety attacks.

Reading a book for 15 minutes every day or meditating for 20 minutes each morning, may look too small to have an impact on your life.

However, remember 1 year from now,  doing it every day the impact it has when multiplied by 365 days is – unbelievable!


  1. Track your progress.

This! Given the number of times I have stressed the importance of keeping track of your habits, we at Wallistry ended up creating a free printable habit tracker that is available to download for everyone.

Following a routine – it could just be two to six habits, is great.

Nevertheless, keeping track of them will help you visualize your progress over time and keep you inspired to consistently do it.


If you want to kick-start a habit and want to track your progress, click on the link to download a free printable Habit Tracker.


Printable Habit Tracker By Wallistry


  1. Be kind to yourself.

This had to make it to the blog, especially if you are like me – who can be hard on yourself.

Relax. Be kind. :)

It is okay if you break your routine for a day or your meditation practice was not as fulfilling as yesterday or if you let your emotions loose for the day or you could not hit the gym.

It is okay.

Do you know why?

Because you are as human as everyone is. Perfection is a never attainable goal because it is always relative to something, someone. It is not even a human goal.

Be kind, be you and look at the larger picture. One year from now, that small break or a dent will not hinder you, but your ability to show up the next day – matters ten folds.

Image Source : Instagram @toyoufromsteph

(Image Source: Instagram @toyoufromsteph)


One step at a time, towards a better every day, better you.

Author : Anjanakshi.B Wallistry

1 comment

  • Raghauv

    Realistic journey illustrated in words !

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